National Shrine of The Divine Mercy – Stockbridge, MA
The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy is a ministry of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the authentic promoters of the message of The Divine Mercy. The Shrine sits on 350 acres, known as Eden Hill. The Shrine offers many opportunities for inspiration and devotion.
In the fall of 1943, Fr Joseph Luniewski, superior of the Marian House in Washington, DC, sent a young priest, to find a residence suitable for a novitiate or home for those preparing for the religious life. The Marians purchased Eden Hill in 1943.
Prior to the Marians’ arrival, this Hill had a rich history in the town of Stockbridge. Originally, the land had been the home of an early Christian mission to the Stockbridge Indians by Rev. John Sergeant. His home, known as the Mission House, can now be visited on Main Street in Stockbridge, where it was moved in 1927. The property, known as Eden Park, was purchased in 1906, by S. Woodward, a successful businessman of Washington, DC, who built the current house, then known as Eden Hall.