Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife is responsible for the conservation – including restoration, protection and management – of fish and wildlife resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the public. The Division works to balance the needs of people and wildlife today so wildlife will be available for everyone’s enjoyment today and for future generations.
MassWildlife Activities…The major activities in which the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildife) are involved are based on the agency’s mandate and responsibility for the conservation – including restoration, protection and management–of fish and wildlife resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the public.
Land Protection…MassWildlife holds and manages an extraordinarily diverse system of wildlife management areas and sanctuaries designed to forever ensure the survival, health and viability of all our native wildlife communities. As of 2007, over 165,000 acres of land has been in the care and control of MassWildlife. Wild animals are sustained by wild places. We cannot retain our rich variety of wildlife if we do not preserve places for them to live.
Wildlife Monitoring & Restoration…MassWildlife monitors and restores fish and wildlife species in the Commonwealth.
Providing Recreational Opportunities…MassWildlife provides a host of recreational opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts of every kind. Birders, naturalists, hikers and other outdoors people pursue their interests on the wide variety of wildlife lands and waters managed by MassWildlife. Healthy and abundant wildlife populations provide Bay State sportsmen and women with a variety of fishing and hunting opportunities.
Regulating Wildlife Possession & Use…MassWildlife regulates the taking and possession of all fish and wildlife for the benefit of both people and wildlife. MassWildlife is also the permiting authority for collecting, maintaining or propagating fish and wildlife species, and regulating the possession of exotic wild animals.
Supporting Wildlife Research & Management…MassWildlife research assists biologists in determining how to best manage wildlife populations and their habitats. There are research grants for the study of rare species and habitats available from MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Programs.
Spreading the Wildlife Message…To promote the wise use and enjoyment of the state’s wildlife resources, MassWildlife offers information and education services to teachers, sportsmen, youth group leaders, school children, town board members, conservation and civic organizations, the news media and many other people interested in wildlife. Publications such as Massachusetts Wildlife magazine the MassWildlife Newsletter and other documents are also available to wildlife enthusiasts in either electronic or hard copy formats.
The MassWildlife District Offices are your best source for local info on…
•Fisheries & Wildlife Topics
•Fish & Pheasant Stocking Areas and Schedules
•Wildlife Viewing Sites
•Maps to Ponds & Wildlife Management Areas
Offices are open during business hours Monday through Friday and are staffed by fish and wildlife biologists, a land agent, receptionist and conservation helpers. Call or drop by to see some of the pamphlets and other information available to you! Hunting and Fishing licenses may also be purchased at District Offices