Drury Preserve – The Nature Conservancy – Sheffield, MA
This preserve is home to great blue herons, bobcats, and a variety of forest and plant communities. There is a spectacular view across Schenob Brook of Mount Race. The preserve includes the Drury tract (65 acres), and also encompasses more than 300 acres of contiguous, protected land.
A lightly marked trail, which is approximately a 3-mile walk, gently slopes through a variety of wet and dry communities. There are boardwalks over the wettest areas, but waterproof shoes are a good idea.
Directions from Route 90W (Mass Turnpike) to Exit 2 (Lee).
•Follow Route 102W to Route 7S (Sheffield center).
•After the small shopping plaza, take the first right onto Berkshire School Rd.
•Take the second left (Salisbury Rd.) and then another left (Barnum St.).
•The preserve is 1.2 miles down Barnum Street with a small clearing to park on the right. There is no sign.
•Walk into woods at right and look for trail sign about 100 ft. in.