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wneg_map_dBike Route From New York City To Montreal

The Western New England Greenway (WNEG) is a contiguous network of bike routes that connect New York City with Montreal. The WNEG connects with the East Coast Greenway in Norwalk, CT and connects with Quebec’s famed Route Verte at the Canada border.

For complete details and route maps – visit

Next Event:

Western New England Greenway Conference 2019

  • Western New England Greenway Conference
  • Saturday November 9, 2019 – from 10 AM to 3:30 PM
  • Bennington Museum, Bennington Vermont
  • Conference Agenda

There is no cost to attend, lunch and refreshments are provided. Seating is limited and attendees must pre-register (see below).

Organizations in Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut are already working on creating bike trails. By working together, we can create a seamless network that stretches more than 250 miles.

Please register below if you would like to join the discussion, and explore how to make this idea a reality. Additional information and an agenda are being developed, and your ideas are welcome. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Goals of the Conference include:

  1. Introduce / reintroduce all potential collaborators of the WNEG to one another.
  2. Explore means to overcome significant challenges to the WNEG
  3. Agree on list of tangible goals / outcomes for 2019

Pre-Register on the Western New England Greenway website: